I Touch My Shelf by Allie York
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I liked it even if it was less funny than Nora & Rae's books with less banter or accidents. What I like about "Words for nerds" is that each girl has her own strong character and personality. Tuesday is different with her romantic way of thinking as she has been waiting for her first crush to look at her for years now and whom she consider as the only man that will/could make her happy. Also, her secret of being a famous author starts to make it difficult to hide from her friends & sister. What will happen if she is discovered?
These books are not exceptional stories but from the first book, you just find yourself attached to these girls and touched by them and their little community. It's clear that we see ourselves in them. We are all nerds with different kind or amount of nerdtitude.
The LOTR's references were so funny at the beginning like "Oh my Gandalf" and so on, because when you're a fan of Tolkien's books & Peter Jackson's movies and you find a books with just a little reference to Golum or Frodo & the ring with a positive connotation, you're just gonna dig it!
I enjoy reading this series and I intend to read Greer's book next.
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