Netgalley: "Almondine Grows up" by Gabriele Zucchelli


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Almondine Grows Up: The challenge of freedomAlmondine Grows Up: The challenge of freedom by Gabriele Zucchelli
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The second book in Almondine's series, in the first book she is a baby whom the little Alma found in the almond tree and then brought her home to raise her as her own baby.

In this book, we discover what happened to Almondine when Alma left her in the garden so she could have her own little house and be more free and independent as Almondine wanted to be. However, our little heroine will live some misadventures that will make her understand that not all the creatures are so harmless outside her home as she so naively believed . Also, she will be making new friends from a lost little mouse and a pessimistic toad to a scary pigeon that Almondine will help them all into getting back to their own homes or finding their courage.

It is a beautiful and charming story about love, selflessness, friendship, courage, parenting and so much more. The book is stunning with such amazing illustrations that made this story so precious and agreeable to read.

It is the kind of book that as a kid you would have loved that your parents would have read and read it again to you and then, you would have cherished it so much and kept it until you grown up for you to pass it to another child that will do the same with it. This is how I feel about Almondine's books.

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