Troy: The Greek Myths Reimagined by Stephen Fry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I loved it so much!! This was really amazing and so well written, Fry's way of narrating and retelling the story of the Iliad or the rise and fall of the famous city of Troy was brilliant just brilliant, a masterpiece. I would recommend this book to anyone either lovers of Greek myths or not. This was such an enjoyable book that I would love to re-read.
I don't know why I started with this book knowing that I own his other books that I've not read yet but I've loved the story of Troy since I discovered it and I had a period of time where I would read and watch anything related to the Greek mythology with all its great heroes, odd creatures and gods. Troy's story was the one that still fascinates me, it's the one that depictes the real nature of men in its greatest and worst moments. The story of Troy has no end for the thirst for power, greed, revenge, war, hate, love, betrayal, loyalty and so on is still present to these days, men at that period of time are the same as today's men, it's only the ages that changed.
The story of Paris, Helen, Agamemnon, Achilles, Odysseus will never get old. It's true that Fry's version is less boring than the one told by Homer but at the end it is still the same story with the same events and end. I cried more easily with Fry's version and laughed a lot more. I tell you if you have been scared all these years of the Homer's version just read this book and you won't miss anything from the original one but be sure that you will really have such a good time while reading this one.
Troy's story inspired so many artists and here you might find some great examples with the pictures added to this book. It's a pure culture knowledge journey so why won't you try it?!
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