Booksirens: Relatively Normal Secrets by C.W. Allen

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Relatively Normal SecretsRelatively Normal Secrets by C.W. Allen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received an advance review copy for free via BookSirens, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

That was a great middle-grade book full of actions and adventures with an amazing futuristic medieval kind of a world. It's a fast-paced read with two smart kids that made the story so captivating to follow with their unique peronalities and let's not forget about Nyx a very special so called dog.

The story is not that simple, Tuesday and Zed Furst, yep that's their names, has some suspicions about their parents identities, feeling that they are hiding some secrets from them or is it just their imagination? Things get confusing and dangerous when their parents are absent and they get attacked in their own home by two strange men with some bizarre weapons and then, things get crazier when they find themselves transported to Falinnheim a completely different land that is not from the real world, a land that is ruled by a Tyrant who wants to capture them with his group of soldiers. From there, the great journey of these two kids start in order to find their parents and to discover the truth.

I'm curious about the next book because it can't end there, we need to know what will happen to the Furst family and Falinnheim. It was an entertaining book that makes you forget the notion of time passing and at the end you just want your own Nyx!

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